
紐約布魯克林曼哈頓大橋下街道被洪水淹沒(AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)

洪水衝進紐約金融區衝進凱里隧道(Getty Images/Andrew Burton)

紐約世貿遺址(Ground Zero)施工現場(AP Photo/ John Minchillo)

 Hurricane Sandy slammed into the Northeast last night leaving a trail of destruction including floods, fires, fallen trees and millions without power. Now, in its aftermath, we take a look at 12 unforgettable photos that show the incredible havoc it caused.

美國時間10/30/2012 Sandy颶風離開後留下滿目瘡痍的災情,包括水災、火災、樹倒、數百萬用戶停電。
我們可以從下面12張照片看到這次天災所造成難以置性的破壞。(全文 12張)