
剛跟同事們閑談, 說起以前的老細(即是上司的意思, 不知台灣叫什麼?)很多廢話, 想跟大家分享一下...



1. : "... What are u doing? The purpose is not serving the purpose!!!" 口頭禪, 用於presentation時"插"presenter, 但從來沒有人知道實際上老細的意思是什麼(老細可永遠都沒有跟你解釋是什麼意思哦!)

2. : 以英文字代替粗口 : e.g. 點"damn"知, 你都痴"damn" 線, 你想講乜"damn"野, etc., 認為這樣就是有品味的粗口

3. : 星期四放工前 : "大家唔好做啦, 夠鐘放工啦, 走啦", 星期五同樣時間 : (大大聲) "阿魚! 點解你今日咁早走? 5.45pm 咋wor (contract寫明official working hour till: 5.30pm), 你肯定做得晒D野?" 每月重覆一次, 對像不同.

4. : "We have to stay on the right track when we stay on the right track" -> ???

5. : "I want the presentation to contain innovative and new elements, but not anything that would be too new from the current theme..." --> ???