請教~~ Android 開發平台安裝問題 ~~


各位大大,小弟為Android的新手,在安裝開發平台的過程中,遇到以下問題,懇請各位大大幫忙提出寶貴的建議,感恩!(By HTC Magic)

1.安裝 android-sdk_r3-windows →→ 連接Magic,執行ddms可與手機連線

   Error : 但在執行 SDK Setup 過程中發生以下問題:

    Failed to fetch URL https://dl-ssl.google.com/android/repository/repository.xml,    

    reason: Connection timed out: connect

2. 安裝 eclipse-java-ganymede-SR2-win32 以及 eclipse-jee-galileo-win32


  1. Back in the Available Software view, you should see the plugin listed by the URL, with "Developer Tools" nested within it. Select the checkbox next to Developer Tools and click Install...
  2. On the subsequent Install window, "Android DDMS" and "Android Development Tools" should both be checked. Click Next.

           3.進入eclipse ,於視窗的右上角(Java左側的按鈕),Open Prespective 中無法



