Defining Twilight: Vocabulary Workbook for Unlocking the SAT, ACT, GED, and SSAT

Defining Twilight: Vocabulary Workbook for Unlocking the SAT, ACT, GED, and SSAT

top 最有效擴充字庫的方法,就是大量閱讀。但是該如何從閱讀中吸收新單字? Brian Leaf 以暢銷書Twilight《暮光之城》為教材,創作《Defining Twilight》一書,引導讀者從《暮光之城》的段落中揣摩艱澀單字的辭意,更提供許多書中的人物和事件為單字做註解,讓書迷們想忘都忘不了。建議搭配《暮光之城》研讀,可輕鬆認識600多個新單字! 【精彩例句】 Noble (p. 1) means dignified or honorable, like a king . . . or a “vegetarian” vampire. Detested (p. 4) means hated a lot. You could say that Edward detested James, though even that is an understatement. Can you resist the allure of Edward’s myriad charms-his ocher eyes and tousled hair, the cadence of his speech, his chiseled alabaster skin, and his gratuitous charm? Will you hunt surreptitiously and tolerate the ceaseless deluge in Forks to evade the sun and uphold the facade? Join Edward and Bella as you learn more than 600 vocabulary words to improve your score on the SAT, ACT, GED, and SSAT exams! Use this workbook side-by-side with your own copy of Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight! .Each chapter of the workbook gives you eight words taken from Twilight, with page references for you to read the words in the context of your favorite novel .Define the words on your own before turning back to the workbook for their actual definitions .At the end of each section you’ll take SAT, ACT, GED, and SSAT drills and quizzes to review and integrate what you’ve learned .Plus, you’ll learn synonyms, Latin word parts, and memorization tools throughout the workbook
