The Eric Carle Mini Library: A Storybook Gift Set

The Eric Carle Mini Library: A Storybook Gift Set

top 一次收藏繪本大師艾瑞.卡爾的四本經典作品!精緻的迷你精裝開本,可整齊收納在特製書盒內,令人愛不釋手。 《The Eric Carle Mini Library》(艾瑞.卡爾迷你故事禮盒)共收納四本迷你精裝繪本: Rooster’s Off to See the World 小公雞決定要出發看世界,一路上牠遇到了貓咪、青蛙、烏龜和魚…大家都決定跟著小公雞一起去旅行! 一隻小公雞、兩隻貓咪、三隻青蛙…小朋友可以一邊欣賞大師的美麗拼貼,一邊學習數字的概念。 Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me 小茉莉好想跟月亮玩,爸爸拿來好長好長的梯子,架在好高好高的山頂上,爬上去摘月亮… 艾瑞.卡爾運用各種拉頁,巧妙的表現出爸爸為了女兒,努力爬上天空的模樣。而令人驚喜的立體大摺頁,更能讓孩子們了解月亮的圓缺變化。 Pancakes, Pancakes! 傑克跟媽媽說:「我好想吃煎餅!」媽媽說:「我很忙,你要幫忙喔!首先,我們需要麵粉…」於是,傑克從磨麵粉、擠牛奶、撿雞蛋、到生火,一步一步的學習作出好吃的煎餅! A House for Hermit Crab 寄居蟹找到了一個又大又舒服的新家,但是它上面什麼都沒有,看起來有點單調。寄居蟹遇到了海葵、海星、蝸牛和海膽,邀請牠們一起搬進來住,新房子頓時變得好熱鬧!有一天,寄居蟹發現自己長大了,房子越來越擁擠,牠該怎麼辦呢? This padded box set of Eric Carle’s classic tales includes full-length mini editions of Rooster’s Off to See the World, Papa Please Get Me the Moon, Pancakes Pancakes, and A House for Hermit Crab. Each mini-book slips into a sleeve bound into a padded cover featuring Carle’s signature colors and patterns. The set ties together with two different brightly colored satin ribbons adding a whimsical touch to this sweet collection of stories. This perfectly proportioned portable box set will be an essential addition to the libraries of Eric Carle fans, young and old!作者簡介Eric Carle Eric Carle is the well-known creator of many beloved picture books for small readers and listeners, including such classics as Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me, The Tiny Seed, Rooster’s Off to See the World, A House for Hermit Crab, and The Very Hungry Caterpillar. He is especially celebrated for his unique ability to combine learning with pleasure. Children delight in the distinctive beauty of his illustrations -- richly layered collages in glowing colors -- and they love his entertaining stories, which invite them to make their own discoveries in a natural, joyful way. Born in Syracuse, New York, Eric Carle received much of his education in Germany. He is a graduate of the Akademie der bildenden Kunste in Stuttgart, where he learned about Goethe’s color theory and complementary colors.
