Yvon’s Paris

Yvon’s Paris

top 漫步巴黎左岸,偶爾會發現蒐藏家穿梭在兜售明信片的小攤販間,尋覓由攝影師Pierre Yves-Petit作品重製而成的明信片。 這位自稱「伊凡 (Yvon)」的攝影師Pierre Yves-Petit,在世界大戰期間,遊走巴黎街頭,試圖捕捉專屬這個城市稍縱即逝、獨特的美好:夜間的艾菲爾鐵塔、破曉時的街景、流動的人們、明滅的光影、細微變化的雲霧... 伊凡的影像,將巴黎的詩意無邊際延伸,成為風靡至今的經典影像,也讓伊凡成為奠定巴黎影像紀錄風格的攝影師。這本《伊凡的巴黎》攝影集 (Yvon’s Paris),收錄超過一百張伊凡最喜愛的作品,其中有不少出自近期才發現的玻璃底片 (glass negatives)。 (文/歐蘭紐頓) The photographer Pierre Yves-Petit, who called himself “Yvon,” wandered the streets of Paris between the world wars looking for the moment when the shifting light and clouds would perfectly reveal the city’s ephemeral, iconic beauty. The dramatic images of the city and its people that he made during those years would become the most popular postcards in France. They can still be bought today on Parisian quais and are eagerly sought by collectors. With an eye for startling viewpoints and unusual weather conditions, Yvon photographed the city awakening at dawn, in the shimmering afterglow of rain, or seen over the shoulder of a gargoyle high atop a cathedral. Yvon’s Paris reproduces more than one hundred of his loveliest images, many made from recently discovered glass negatives. This elegant and poetic collection captures the magic of Paris at its most photogenic—the way many of us romantically wish it still were.作者簡介 Robert Stevens is lecturer of photographic history at the School of Visual Arts and the International Center of Photography. He lives in New York City.
