search:bump app ipad相關網頁資料

iPhone, iPad and iPod touch Apps for (Special) Education - Free download as PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. *Disclosure: I co-created ArtikPix, PhonoPix and Percentally apps. This is a list of iPhone, iPad and iPod touch apps for education and sp...
Mover Lite ratings and reviews, features, comparisons, and app alternatives ... Photo Transfer App allows you to quickly move photos and videos between your  ......
Bump. Thank you! Bump is no longer available. We'd like to extend a special thank you to all of you who ......
Bump, an app developer Google acquired last year, is bouncing back under the codename Copresence, an effort to deliver AirPlay-like file sharing that appears to be deeply integrated with Google+ Hangouts, sparking new privacy concerns. Google's latest eff...
Bump is, by far, the most popular app when it comes to sharing data between two smartphones. Like some other apps in our list, Bump deals with photos and contacts, but undoubtedly has the most polished interface as compared to all of its competitors. Anot...
This is a list of iPod and iPad apps that can be used in middle school learning environments. ... How exactly are teachers using the ipad in a day to day classroom setting? I planned to make use of my wiki as a home base for students to put “work” that th...
How to transfer photos videos contacts from your iphone to your ipad Want to share something with a friend makes sharing with people as simple as bumping two phones together. Just pick what you want to send, then hold your phones and gently bump hands wit...