search:excel log scale x axis相關網頁資料

        Excel defaults to a linear scale for graphs, but you can easily change it to logarithmic to suit wide data ranges or logarithmic phenomena. The Chart Wizard ...
        Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet program includes a Chart Wizard for making a variety of graphs from tabulated data. In some situations, as with scientific experiments, the data in one or both ... ... Step 1 Click on the graph axis you want to change to a lo
    excel log scale x axis的相關文章
    i've got some data that i want to display on a semi log graph, but i want to change the x-axis to a log scale, not the y-axis. How do i do this? anne...
    I have a X-Y scatter plot, my values in the x axis starts from the value 30. How can i change the scale in the chart in such a way that I have values in the X axis starting from 30 and ......
    Excel Ribbon Image. Click Axis Options if it is not ... To change the value axis to logarithmic, select the Logarithmic scale check box. Note A logarithmic scale ......
    28 Feb 2015 ... If you need to create a chart that uses logarithmic values on both axes, it can be confusing how to get what you want. This tip explains which of ......
    Hi, I have a chart which displays columns representing volumes of oil removed on each particular date against a Primary y-axis, and a line showing ... Changing the x-axis scale on an Excel 2010 chart This is a discussion on Changing the x-axis scale on an...
    Can anybody please help me with a problem with Excel 97? I have plotted a line chart where the X-axis data is not evenly spaced (i.e. it goes 100, 200, ... Excel X-axis scale spacing This is a discussion on Excel X-axis scale spacing within the Excel Ques...
    This video shows you how to create a histogram in Excel 2007 so that the x-axis scale is correct. The data is house prices in thousands of dollars from the mid-90s....
    I have a 2-dimensional set of data, or more specifically, a set of voltages taken at various frequencies. I'm trying to generate a chart with this data, but it would make the most sense if the chart was plotted with the x-axis (the independent variable of...