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government shutdown的相關文章
'Santa Claus' Votes to Avert Government Shutdown ... Democrats had hoped to bring the vote down in order to pressure Republicans to strip out two controversial provisions in the bill, including a rider that would amend Dodd-Frank and another provision tha...
Big News on Government Shutdown. Includes blogs, news, and community conversations about Government Shutdown. ... The Best Idea for 2014 was requiring police to wear body cameras. This idea was so good it actually cut across the lines of the protestors .....
Obamacare and the shutdown: Here's a quick Q&A to get you caught up on what happened and what to expect. ... Key players in the shutdown debate – Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas-- The revolutionary or rabble rouser, depending on your viewpoint. The tea party ......
Just hours before a midnight deadline approached, the House of Representatives voted to approve a $1.1 trillion spending package to keep the federal government open -- sending the measure over to the Senate for final passage. The House voted 219-206 to ap...
Top lawmakers agreed to $1.1 trillion government funding bill late Tuesday, just two days before federal agencies are due to run out of money. The negotiating breakthrough likely means the government will stay open as usual, avoiding a potential shutdown....
Will there be a government shutdown 2014 like we had in 2013? No one knows for sure. But if you read the tea leaves coming from Congress and the White House, here are 5 things that could lead to a shutdown. Immigration Congress has been deadlocked on the ...
A government shutdown starting Tuesday, Oct. 1, is now upon us. The House and Senate couldn't agree on a bill to fund the government, and time has run out. The photograph is cleverly shot to make it look like the gates of the federal government are litera...
Richard Doerner, a museum specialist for the Senate Commission on Art, listens to the Ohio Clock as he restarts it outside the Senate chamber on Capitol Hill. The clock stopped during the partial government shutdown because the workers were furloughed....