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There was a story on our local news last night (Philly area) about a family who had moved to Colorado for their daughter (they are from NJ) and the mom said [she] dreaded "the first day she was a little stoned." I know you have stated that the concoction ...
Jorge Lorenzo has signed a new two-year deal with Yamaha. The 2010 and 2012 world champion will stay with the factory Movistar Yamaha team in MotoGP for the 2015 and 2016 seasons. The deal had been widely expected, as the two sides have been in serious .....
黑色星空稍稍來臨,神祕幽靈悠遊其間..... ... 圖左是2009年製作的 國安阿姨-美少女戰士版—23號, 圖右是最近要出的 新版人狼 12吋人偶, 怎麼看怎麼面熟, 胸甲紋路幾乎相似, LOGO位置也一樣是在中間…...
by Lorri Steer at Terrible and Beautiful These posts originally appeared on my blog a year apart. It is my pleasure to bring them together as a whole for you today. Be forewarded: this is an epic post! But I know this is just the kind of thing I would hav...
Martha Long will be on the Late Late Show tonight. Stay with it. She’s on in part 4. For those of you in the UK you can try watching it on RTE player on your computer. For those of you in Ireland please let us know how it goes in case we can’t watch it!...
Mellissa of The Adventures of Wondermommy asked me to test her new Ice Cream Cone pattern about a month ago. Since I didn’t have a photo to work from, I was surprised to find that the cone is shaped like a waffle cone! The overall pattern is really simple...
The details of Honda’s air bag problems, which have not been previously reported, come as General Motors continues to face questions about its ignition switch defect, which some G.M. officials knew about for a decade before the recalls were issued. In ech...
It was an issue in my generation, and the situation hasn’t gotten better for those coming after me. It’s time for the healing process to begin. ... The Root is the leading online source of national and international news and commentary from an African-Ame...