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In this soaring demonstration, deaf percussionist Evelyn Glennie illustrates how listening to music involves much more than simply letting sound waves hit your eardrums. ... Please enter an email address. Please enter a valid email address. Did you mean ?...
It's been one month since I blogged. Sorry for that big gap but lots of personal issues keep me otherwise occupied. I am finally seeing the light of day AND the gardener is taking some beautiful pictures of the garden. Six inches of rain the other week an...
Earlier this year, I wrote about teaching empathy, and whether you are a parent who does so. The idea behind it is from Richard Weissbourd, a Harvard psychologist with the graduate school of education, who runs the Making Caring Common project, aimed to h...
From Fox 2 Weather Authority Derek Kevra: Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Tuesday morning will actually start with the warmest temps of the day: upper 40s. But colder air is still pushing south, meaning most of the afternoon will be in the lower 40s bef...
Admittedly, I'm very lucky. The woman my ex-husband married is super nice. So, that makes it a lot easier to be nice to her. That being said, I know not everyone is as lucky. Some will have unreasonable exes with even wackier new spouses. But let's cut th...
Filmed and Edited by: Earlier this year, Kanye West and Sway made headlines when Ye proclaimed that he gave Sway his first TV. For the first time since the incident in March, the two hip hop heads talk in person. Their interview began...
This morning, I lit candles in the Church of St. Etchmiatsin — the mother church of the Armenian Apostolic Church. The oldest cathedral (according to Wikipedia) in the world. The sanctuary was under construction. The whole place smelled of sawdust and pai...
Feinberg calls on energy industry to do more for tank car safety. ... With help from Kathryn A. Wolfe and Kevin Robillard THE DAY AHEAD: Today the House is back after a weeklong recess that left one half of the Capitol quiet....