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        How can I keep my joints healthy? Physical activity Being physically active is one of the most important things you can do to keep your joints healthy. Regular activity helps keep the muscles around your joints strong and working the way they should. Even
        Who you are now is not who you were last year, last week, yesterday, even a minute ago. Life never stands still, no matter what you do. Change is the very nature of existence—your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, ideas, even your relationships are as changeab
    Top Ten Posts Of The Year December 28, 2014 By Stacy 5 Comments Can I just say that my mind is blown that we are here. The END of 2014. It has been one heckofa year. This year we went on our first real family vacation. The construction/architecture field ...
    In recent decades foreigners—seekers, spiritual dilettantes and regular tourists—have also flocked to Pushkar. There is a vibrant mix of the spiritual and bohemian. There is a colorful bazaar, several blocks long, on a street that follows the curve of the...
    In last month’s deep and damning Rolling Stone report about sexual assault at the University of Virginia, a reporter told the story of “Jackie,” who said she was gang raped at a fraternity party and then essentially ignored by the administration. It helpe...
    Neil deGrasse Tyson explains the meaning of life to a "six-and-three-quarter"-year-old boy Women's college cancels "Vagina Molologues" for being "reductionist" "What it's like to date your dad": Why class markers matter in stories ......
    There never seems to be enough time to do the things we want and need to do. We all too often get caught up in the constraints of time -- or at least what we imagine to be the constraints of time. In reality, time is an illusion we’ve created to add struc...
    行動版 - Lyrics to 'No Matter What You Do' by Benny Benassi. Tell me what your spirit says / show me what you ......
    行動版 - "It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop." - Confucius quotes from ......
    This is a very good explanation on what dissociatiative episodes look like. When I began therapy I began using dissociation as a defense mechanism, altough, when I dissociate I become muted but I am still aware of what is going on around me. I do not ‘go ...