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Poor Paul Hellyer. He agrees to speak at a UFO / Exopolitics conference (it seems even the organisers weren't quite sure which) in Toronto this past weekend. The news media pick up on it, and, all of a sudden, there he is - Canada's former Minister of Nat...
You may have done this because you heard that Paul Hellyer, Canada's former ... but we're *incredibly* uncomfortable with all the secrecy and outright lies....
Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada reveals: - Some ETs Species who have visited and still visit Earth: Zeta Reticuli , Pleiadians, Orions ETs,… ... The Disclosure Project and the ET phenomena is one big con designed to push humanity into ....
I am well aware that just because somebody (no matter what their ‘position’) says something to be true, does not mean it’s true. Exceptions, however can be made if there is evidence that goes beyond their words and correlates with what they say. At the en...
Paul Hellyer, former Minister of Defense of Canada reveals: - Some ETs Species who have visited and still visit Earth: Zeta Reticuli , Pleiadians, Orions ETs, - Tall Whites living on US Airforce Property - CABAL: Military Industrial Complex, Builderbergs,...
This in my opinion is one of the best ways to get the message out there that, we are not alone. I'm not saying everything in these types of videos is 100% authentic. But you must admit, some are undeniable. Read more......
Edward Snowden, the former National Security Agency contractor who famously disclosed top secret NSA documents to several media outlets early in 2013, has reportedly revealed much more than the United States government’s mass surveillance of the public....
Rick said (October 18, 2014): I have never believed in the extra-terrestrial rubbish being spewed by Paul Hellyer and Connie Fogal but I am embarrassed to admit that at first I didn't understand why they were doing it. It is only in the last few months th...