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    Paul Krugman has just passed the landmark 1 million followers on Twitter. Not bad for an academic economist, albeit one with a Nobel prize under his arm, a prominent position at Princeton University, and a New York Times blog. His following is a reward fo...
    The easy-money policies that followed the bursting of the 90s stock bubble produced a surge in housing prices, not so much in stocks — the opposite of recent years. The point is that a lot depends on the history, and the belief that QE systematically favo...
    In 2010, I co-signed an open letter warning that the Fed's experiment with an unprecedented level of loose monetary policy - in amount, and in unorthodox method - created a risk of serious inflation.... ... Focusing my attention, as was predestined, Paul ...
    Paul Krugman shares Cochrane's belief in the FTPL, but notes that it also implies that there could too much fiscal credibility. If so, it would be creating a drag on aggregate demand growth (i.e. higher expected future surpluses imply lower velocity today...
    PK Home JAPAN'S TRAP Paul Krugman May 1998 Japan's economic malaise is first and foremost a problem for Japan itself. But it also poses problems for others: for troubled Asian economies desperately in need of a locomotive, for Western advocates of free tr...
    Professor Paul Krugman is the world’s most influential commentator on economic issues by a wide margin. It is a well-deserved ascendancy. He is brilliant, wide-ranging, readable, and the point of his rapier is very sharp. He correctly predicted and descri...
    NEW YORK – For several years, and often several times a month, the Nobel laureate economist and New York Times columnist and blogger Paul Krugman has delivered one main message to his loyal readers: deficit-cutting “austerians” (as he calls advocates of ....
    "when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor" WTF? Where in the Hell did you find this quack?????!!!!! Tylers - how can you insult our intelligence by publishing this idiot - and what kind of idiots are you that you didn't even know that analogy was idiocy in th...