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In a prior tutorial, I talked about there being a couple of main options for creating a Welcome tab for your Facebook page. The simplest — requiring the least expertise and patience — is to use the Static HTML: iframe tabs application. This tutorial will ...
Thank you so much for this detailed video Pat! I was about to jump into one of my pages and update with Static FBML quickly, before the change, but the new way you demonstrate actually looks easier. I was also checking email while listening to your video ...
Want to add a custom reveal tab to your Facebook page to get more likes? Don't know PHP or coding? Learn how to add a reveal tab! ... Hi Diana, I have been trying to do this for some time now but still haven’t managed to get it right. I have successfully ...
Now that Facebook is fully supporting custom iFrame tabs and phasing out FBML and the Static FBML support, many page admins are wondering how best to add functionality to their iFrame tabs. For example, how do you add popular FBML tags that facilitated .....
Display anything you want within the tab's IFRAME area. This content can be set up using HTML; an uploaded image; a URL; or as an auto-redirect to an ......
A review of the current third-party Facebook iFrames applications to easily add functionality to your Facebook pages. ... #2: Involver Involver also has a suite of Facebook applications and their iFrame app is called Static HTML. To install it, just go to...
Editor's Note: We wrote a more up-to-date article about creating custom Facebook tabs here. Facebook recently announced that they would be discontinuing their support of the Static FBML app in favor of iframes. From a marketing perceptive this is actually...
Facebook users can create custom tabs for fan pages with the Static HTML iFrame Tabs application. Custom tabs enable users to specify what information visitors view when arriving at the Facebook fan page and provide additional capabilities, such as video....