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        Structural unemployment is a form of unemployment where, at a given wage, the quantity of labor supplied exceeds the quantity of labor demanded, because there is a fundamental mismatch between the number of people who want to work and the number of jobs .
        A longer-lasting form of unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in an economy. ... DEFINITION of 'Structural Unemployment' A longer-lasting form of unemployment caused by fundamental shifts in an economy. Structural unemployment occurs for a number of
    structural unemployment Definition Joblessness caused not by lack of demand, but by changes in demand patterns or obsolescence of technology, and requiring retraining of workers and large investment in new capital equipment. Use this term in a sentence...
    Structural unemployment occurs when a labour market is unable to provide jobs for everyone who wants one because there is a mismatch between the skills of the unemployed workers and the skills needed for the available jobs. Structural unemployment is hard...
    Structural unemployment is defined as unemployment caused by a mismatch between jobs and skills, or other long-term changes in the economy. ... Recipient's Email This field is required. Separate multiple addresses with commas. Limited to 10 recipients. We...
    unemployment that comes from there being an absence of demand for the workers that are available ... Structural unemployment is a unemployment that comes from there being an absence of demand for the workers that are available. (Econterms)...
    Structural unemployment is often considered permanent as it is difficult for many workers to learn a new skill set or move to an area where such skills are still in demand. Government policies and programs can be put in place to prevent such unemployment ...
    Lately, there has been a fair amount of buzz in the economics blogosphere about the issue that I've been discussing extensively here: Structural Unemployment. Paul Krugman touches on it here. Brad DeLong says this. Mark Thoma has a post in a forum focusin...
    UNEMPLOYMENT is high, and the longer people are unemployed the longer they are likely to stay that way. Eventually, they may become discouraged and drop out of the labour force. So what can be done? The economic infighting about whether unemployment is st...
    STRUCTURAL UNEMPLOYMENT Structural unemployment is a type of unemployment that occurs to workers who are displaced by a change in marketplace needs. When the computer industry began its rapid rise, many workers were caught at a disadvantage....