search:things i ll never say相關網頁資料

1. I miss your hugs and kisses when we are apart. 2. I am addicted to your love. 3. I am crazy about you. 4. I саn’t ɡеt enough οf уου. 5. You treat me like a princess and I love you with all my heart. 6. When I look at you I see a…...
Thanks, dear reader, for making the Things We Forget book a reality! The book is now available via Amazon, and at our very own Things We Forget online store. Do email us at if you want the book to be signed (only for book bought via t...
Oh, this poor neglected blog. The last time I revisited the list was on my 26 th birthday. I didn’t even bother with it when I turned 27 because I hadn’t done anything. Well, no, that’s not true… I had knocked the formidable #12 off my list, or was very c...
My teenaged daughter (15) and her friend went to see the Men in Black 3 movie at the cinema. They enjoyed it for what it was, a light- hearted 90 mins of entertainment. That evening a male friend of hers asked her what she’d seen at the cinema that day an...
An old manager of mine used to say, "You get more bees with honey," meaning the way you talk to your customers will impact your sales in a positive way. Same thing applies to divorce. Words mean everything when it comes to how you talk to your ex-husband....
Dear Future Boyfriend, It’s days like theses that I wish you were here. Days when I am just bored and wish I can have someone to talk to. Someone I can talk with, someone I can laugh with, someone I can go eat ice cream with and someone I can fuck with. I...
A website to remember. Shake vigorously WARNING: CONTAINS FLASHING IMAGES 包含闪烁的图像 Enquiries Embed ......
Out there in the vast, discombobulating world, I’ve noticed, there tend to be two types of decision makers. I bet you can tell me which of the two you are in about 3.48 seconds. Me? I’m a gunslinger. I make decisions so fast you can blink and you won’t se...