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        You will need to protect yourself against identity thieves, whether hackers, phishers, or snoops, when you use your online brokerage account. This publication provides a few suggestions on ways to keep your personal information and money more secure when
        Reason #362: Flowers remind me of my mother, because she had them everywhere. Literally on every horizontal surface in our home. She bought new flowers almost every other week for our house, and had tons of hanging flower pots in our backyard. I really lo
    Actually the pharmacology industry did a really good job of scaring us to death about high cholesterol and dietary cholesterol intake. Here’s The Skinny On Cholesterol & What to eat to improve it……. There’s cholesterol all over your body, it’s an essentia...
    DWYL is a secret handshake of the privileged and a worldview that disguises its elitism as noble self-betterment. According to this way of thinking, labor is not something one does for compensation but is an act of love. If profit doesn’t happen to follow...
    Kings of Convenience - I Don't Know What I Can Save You From (remix by Röyksopp)...
    If you have enough room and you don’t need to move it around, then a desktop model (with a box housing the computer connected to a separate monitor and keyboard) will be cheaper than a laptop. With this option, you can always replace the keyboard and scre...
    The sad thing is, I am broken-hearted. I feel I have lost a lovely man whom I truly loved – and still do – and I just want him back. Will this happen? Can I do something to make it happen? Marianna Dear Marianna, If you are being hysterical and difficult,...
    You're stuck in a traffic jam while your child repeatedly kicks the back of your seat, you might lose your job if can't meet your boss's unrealistic demands and to top it all off you forgot to pick up milk (again!) What to do when it all feels like too mu...
    Sciatica can be hard to treat. Simple painkillers are often not strong enough and I have seen many patients where even morphine was of little help. The vast majority of sufferers improve, although it can take weeks to do so, and disc surgery is reserved f...
    Here's a question you probably come across from time to time: "What can I eat on the primal diet? There seems to be disagreement." Perhaps you're asking it yourself. I know that I have. It doesn't help that there are different versions of the diet -- pale...