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Indeed, a very interesting piece, Virginia! I’ve often wondered why my Metal makes me feel so good, when the topics are so ultimately and nefariously dark and doom-laden. I thought it had something to do with dopamine and states of primordial “fight react...
Sir, I have one question, as per our belief Lord Parashurama created Kerala and he is the sixth avtar of Lord Vishnu (correct me if i am wrong). And Vamana who is the fifth Avtar of Lord vishnu who killed Mahabali. Then how Mahabali will rule a country ca...
This page is missing some information about the song. Please expand it to include this information. You can help by uploading artist's image, adding song ......
I’m wondering why they didn’t just keep the numerical months (Sept =7th month, Oct =8th month, etc) and just make January the 11th month and February the 12th month (which sounds to me like what they originally intended,) rather than switching them to the...
The thing that neither the dictionary nor fake procrastinators understand is that for a real procrastinator, procrastination isn’t optional—it’s something they don ... In college, the sudden unbridled personal freedom was a disaster for me—I did nothing, ...
is a song by Scottish band Travis, released as the third single from their second studio album, The Man ... It does not actually rain at any point during the video....
I can't sleep tonight. Everybody saying everything's alright. Still I can't close my eyes. I'm seeing a tunnel at the end of all these lights. Sunny days. Where have ......