

top 問題 011 ( ) ( ) ( ) there is a close connection between crime and poverty. (犯罪與貧窮似乎有密切的關係。) 012 ( ) ( ) ( ) the dinosaurs became extinct when an asteroid collided with the earth. (恐龍似乎是因為小行星撞擊地球而滅絕的。) 013 Anyone can have a traffic accident. ( ) just ( ) ( ) you haven’t yet. (每個人都可能遭遇交通意外。你還沒遇到,這只是偶然罷了。) 014 Truly, everyone needs money, but ( ) does not ( ) that more money is better. (每個人都需錢,這是事實,但結果並非有錢就一定比較好。) 015 ( ) goes ( ) ( ) that balanced meals are good for your health. (均衡的食物,不用說,一定有益健康。)本書特色 本書是可以讓您「確實」學會測驗必備之270種語法的語法集! 分析入學測驗試題,以嚴選的270種語法,讓讀者在英文解釋、長篇閱讀、英文作文、文法測驗中皆能發揮實力!作者簡介小(山鳥)利良 在日本著有ALC學習參考書系列,出版數十本英文學習書,幫助想學好英文的人。
