

top 在巴黎近郊的一棟老房子裡,住著12個天真活潑的小女孩,她們每天一起吃飯、刷牙,一起出遊,其中年紀最小的叫瑪德琳。瑪德琳這個繪本中的角色,深受讀者喜愛,一系列的書曾被拍成多部電影及卡通,劇情多少經過改編,但瑪德琳善良、活潑、好奇、愛冒險的特質卻不曾改變。這位陪伴小朋友長大,自己卻永遠長不大的『永遠的瑪德琳』,為小朋友們留下美麗的童年。 Set in picturesque Paris, this tale of a brave little girl’s trip to the hospital is as appealing today as it was in 1940. The combination of spirited heroine, timelessly appealing art, cheerful humor, and rhythmic text makes ”Madeline” a perennial favorite with children of all ages. Full color.作者簡介 Ludwig Bemelmans was a painter, illustrator, and writer for both children and adults. The Madeline books are among the most honored children’s books of all time. Mr. Bemelmans died in 1962 after completing his sixth story about Madeline, Madeline’s Christmas.
