One Red Dot: A Pop-up Book for Children of All Ages

One Red Dot: A Pop-up Book for Children of All Ages

top 這是一本,有點調皮的立體書。 One Red Dot,作者 David Carter 希望所有讀者在他精心設計的立體紙頁中,把那個藏起來的紅色點點,找出來。 在巧妙設計下,每頁都有一個藏得好好的小紅點,在小朋友絞盡腦汁找出來的過程中,漸漸的培養空間和立體感,刺激視覺的觀感逐漸敏銳。提醒您,有些小紅點可能需要動用您的想像力,以及—幽默感—,才能在複雜的結構中找出作者的巧思。而即便不去尋找,靜靜看著,也是一幅精彩的視覺藝術,適合大人小孩共同閱讀。 A graphically bold pop-up book that entices readers to find the one red dot that is hidden on each paper sculpture. Going from 1 to 10, Carter creates a visual hide-and-seek game, ranging from ”flip-flop flaps” to ”fluttering flicker clickers” that really click to orbs that tower above the page. Bold primary colors and a silver-black text give the book a very slick, modern feel. However, because of its delicate nature, it won`t withstand repeated circulation. Save it for storytimes, classroom use, or special collections.
