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        Hearthstone: The Beastmaster Deck October 24, 2013 We launch a new series this week, designed to help us find new decks to try out in Hearthstone! Dan brings on his current favorite deck, a Hunter set centered on beasts, beasts, and more beasts. Can his .
    Strategy [edit] Big Game Hunter is a unique card in its ability to destroy an opposing minion for such a low price. The alternative is a 4/2 for 3, which is also acceptable, especially if your opponent is utilising low-power and high-health early-game min...
    Battlecry: Destroy a minion with an Attack of 7 or more. - Mere devilsaurs no longer excite him. Soon he'll be trying to catch Onyxia with only a dull Krol Blade. ... Comment by Deadreaver To me the greatest card in the game. Not many players know to prep...
    Remember you can buff an enemy minion (using Cruel Taskmaster, Shattered Sun Cleric or similar means) to bring it into range for Big Game Hunter. BGH also has a nice deal with Faceless Manipulator, allowing the Faceless to copy a minion before BGH kills i...
    Hearthstone Tips and Combos - Hunter As with almost any card based game, there are combos available that when used provide more benefit than play the cards by themselves. This is true in Hearthstone as well, and there are several great combinations of car...
    We’re Looking for Writers! Do you like playing Hearthstone constructed? Do you strive to reach the elusive Legend rank? Do you enjoy writing and sharing your knowledge? Hearthstone Players is looking for writers/editors to share their knowledge on the sit...
    Spark updates the fearsome Hunter Deck, giving it a Control flair for the Hearthstone game ... Closing the game with burst Savannah Highmane is the basic late game threat that will trade with many card and chunk the opponent’s life if he can’t deal with i...
    Every Friday a legendary member from team IHearthU breaks down IHU’s “Deck of the Week” . These decks are seeing a lot of play either in constructed ladder or tournaments. Team IHU explains the deck lists and how to play them. View past Deck Lists of the ...
    Play Hearthstone For free: In this strategy card game will need to defeat any opponents you come across by arranging the perfect... ... Play Hearthstone here. ... Hearthstone Description In this strategy card game will need to defeat any opponents you com...