search:machine learning python相關網頁資料

        scikit-learn Machine Learning in Python Simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis Accessible to everybody, and reusable in various contexts Built on NumPy, SciPy, and matplotlib Open source, commercially usable - BSD license
        News mlpy 3.5.0 released (2012-03-12). mlpy 3.4.0 released (2012-01-09). mlpy 3.3.0 released (2011-12-19). From this version, mlpy for Windows is compiled with Visual Studio Express 2008 in order to avoid runtime errors. mlpy 3.2.1 released (2011-12-9). F
    Python is a very popular language for machine learning. The machine learning libraries and frameworks in Python (especially around the SciPy stack) are maturing quickly. They may not be as feature rich as R, but they are robust enough for small to medium ...
    This blog post is authored by Shahrokh Mortazavi, Partner Director of Program Management on the Microsoft Azure Machine Learning team. Two languages are closely associated with Data Science today – R and Python. In Azure ML we’ve supported R for some ......
    Welcome to PyBrain PyBrain is a modular Machine Learning Library for Python. Its goal is to offer flexible, easy-to-use yet still powerful algorithms for Machine Learning Tasks and a variety of predefined environments to test and compare your algorithms. ...
    PyML - machine learning in Python PyML is an interactive object oriented framework for machine learning written in Python. PyML focuses on SVMs and other kernel methods. It is supported on Linux and Mac OS X....
    I decided to start a new series of posts now focusing on general machine learning with several snippets for anyone to use with real problems or real datasets. Since I am studying machine learning again with a great course online offered this semester by S...
    Atbrox is startup providing technology and services for Search and Mapreduce/Hadoop. Our background is from from Google, IBM and Research. Update 2010-June-17 Code for this posting is now on github - This posting gives an ....
    If you are a Python programmer or you are looking for a robust library you can use to bring machine learning into a production system then a library that you will want to seriously consider is scikit-learn. In this post you will get an overview of the sci...
    Recently I've been working with recommender systems and association analysis. This last one, specially, is one of the most used machine learning algorithms to ... The famous example related to the study of association analysis is the history of the baby d...