Opera:Next 12.00 #1075 閃閃發亮的[書籤]星號

Opera:Next 12.00 #1075 閃閃發亮的[書籤]星號

但實際上我們一共等了15天才等到這個 Snapshot...


G 服務幾乎沒有新的慘狀(Blogger 一樣有打臉的橫幅出現)
iGoogle 一樣機車,改標示就可以用最新的介面

A shining new [bookmark] star
由 Daniel Aleksandersen(daniel). 2011年9月28日星期三下午12:10:00

There is a new star in town! and it is located right there in your address field! You can now easily add and remove a page from your bookmarks. This is not a full bookmark manager (which we still have in the Bookmark menu and as a panel) but a quick and easy way to save a page for later. You can also add and remove a page from your Speed Dial page.

在城裡有顆金光閃閃的星星(t7:不知道梗是甚麼|感謝 Browser 板友——Eunoia:A new sheriff in town 西部片梗)!現在它正閃現在你的網址列上!現在你可以輕易在書籤中新增或刪除網頁。這並不是一個完整的書籤管理器(因為在面板上仍有書籤選單)但它卻是一個讓你可以輕易的先把網頁存起來的功能。這個星星也可以讓你快速新增或刪除快速撥號的網頁。

The star will light up in the address field when you visit a page that is either bookmarked or is a Speed Dial. We have experimented with a similar UI in Opera 9 Technical Preview 1 almost six years ago. We have revamped this popular request and hope you will all like our new take on it.

當你瀏覽一個已經存在書籤或快速撥號的網頁時,這顆星星就會亮起來。我們已經在6年前的 Opera 9 Technical Preview 1 時嘗試過這樣的介面創新。我們對這項受到大家歡迎的功能進行了一些介面上的改進,同時希望你們會喜歡。

In addition to a fancy new gadget to play with in the address field, we have also just finished a large Core upgrade. Fixes, improvements, and other known keywords apply. We also changed how we handled XML parsing failures by automatically reparsing as HTML instead of displaying an error.

除了這個網址列上華麗的小工具外,我們還對核心做了很大的升級。修復、改進、和其他已知的關鍵問題(t7:我承認這句亂翻)。我們還改變了以往處理 XML parsing 失敗的方式——將只顯示錯誤訊息改為自動以 HMTL 來 reparsing。

Mac and Windows users can start using the -pd argument the same way as it works on Linux. Meaning you can specify an absolute path to a folder that should contain the Opera profile for that session.

Mac 和 Windows 的使用者已經可以開始使用 -pd 這個引數,同樣的 Linux 也可以。這表示你可以針對某個 session 去指定絕對路徑到一個包含 Opera profile 的資料夾(t7:翻完自己都看不太懂)

We have upgraded the compiler we use on Mac, which resulted in a nice JavaScript performance increase for the platform.

我們已經對 Mac 上所使用的編譯器進行了升級,也因此讓該平台的 JavaScript 效能有不錯的提升。

Known issues
Some overlay dialogs have reduced padding
Extension’s pop-out arrows is not painted correctly


WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.

本翻譯為個人業餘即興之翻譯,非屬官方正式中文翻譯。目的為協助不詣英文的讀者也能夠或多或少的瞭解 Opera 的消息。基於專業程度和時間的關係,省略、錯誤和翻譯品質不佳等問題在所難免。若有錯誤歡迎通知,省略與翻譯品質不佳則請見諒,若你英文造詣高超,請直接閱讀原文。




Ruarí Ødegaard(ruario) # 2011年9月28日星期三下午8:49:21

We are currently working on some stuff that will remain secret for now.

