Opera:Next 12.00 #1085 核心更新(Ragnarök)和 CSS3 radial gradients

Opera:Next 12.00 #1085 核心更新(Ragnarök)和 CSS3 radial gradients


An updated Core, with Ragnarok and CSS3 radial gradients
由 Ruarí Ødegaard(ruario). 2011年10月7日星期五下午3:55:00

We have a rather interesting new snapshot for you today. It includes an update to our Core rendering engine (Presto) to version 2.9.220, and with that come some really big improvements.

今天我們為你準備了一個蠻有趣的 snapshot。這次的更新包含了最新的 2.9.220 版核心成像引擎(Presto),和一些重要的改進。

Firstly, this is the first snapshot to include Ragnarok! For those of you who haven't tested our earlier Labs builds, Ragnarok is the name of our implementation of the HTML5 Parsing algorithm. As Bruce Lawson explained previously, "The HTML5 specification defines a set of parsing rules for all markup, whether valid or invalid. Once all browsers have HTML5 parsers, the same markup will produce the same DOM across all conforming browsers.". If you would like to know more, you should also read our initial announcement, from the first Labs release.

首先,這是首次帶有 Ragnarok 功能的 snapshot!對於沒有試用過稍早前我們釋出的實驗室版(Labs build)的使用者來說,或許並不是很了解 Ragnarok 是甚麼。Ragnarok 是我們實作的 HTML5 Parsing algorithm。就像 Bruce Lawson 所說的那樣,「HTML5 的規範對所有的 markup 定義了一組的 parsing 規則,無論是有效或無效的。一旦所有的瀏覽器都有了 HTML5 parsers,相同的 markup 將會在所有遵照規則的瀏覽其中產生相同的 DOM。」。如果你想要了解更多,你可以在我們第一次釋出的研究室版的地方找到最原始的公告。

Another big one among other Core changes is that we have improved our CSS3 gradient support. We already supported CSS3 linear gradients and now we have added support for CSS3 radial gradients.

另一項重要的更新就是我們改進了 CSS3 gradient 的支援度。我們很早就支援了 linear gradients,現在我們還新增了對 CSS3 radial gradients 的支援。

Besides these major improvements, the Core team have also done a lot of site compatibility work. Together these Core updates should mean that Opera renders your favorite sites better than ever!

除了這些主要的改進外,核心團隊也完成了不少關於網站相容性的工作。這些更新也意味著 Opera 現在可以比以前更好地去成像你最喜愛的網站。

Finally, we also have a nice selection of important desktop improvements (I personally like the new on-demand plug-in activation) and bug fixes. As always, see the change log below for a full overview. And once you are done with that, download and get on with testing!


Known issues
.No 64-bit FreeBSD packages this time (they will return in a future snapshot)
.Tab stack extender is not working outside visual tab mode
.Known issues from the last snapshot

.這次不提供64位元的 FreeBSD 安裝檔(未來會持續提供)
.Tab stack 在視覺化分頁模式外會無效

WARNING: This is a development snapshot: It contains the latest changes, but may also have severe known issues, including crashes, and data loss situations. In fact, it may not work at all.

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